How To Prep For The Snow In Denver

How To Prep For The Snow In Denver

  • Megan Douglas
  • 10/9/15

Why Do This? If you purchase a few critical cold-weather supplies now, you’ll save time, money and a whole lot of hassle later. You don’t want to be the person who realizes they don’t have a snow shovel the morning after the first blizzard, so stock up on supplies now while prices are low!


  1. For your home. It’s a good idea to prepare an emergency kit in case you get snowed in during a serious storm. Include enough nonperishable food to last several days, 1-2 flashlights with extra batteries and a basic first aid kit. Note: If you live in an isolated area, it may be worth purchasing a backup heat source for your home in case your power goes out for an extended period of time.
  2. For your walkway. One of the most important things you can buy this winter is salt for your walkway – an icy sidewalk is a disaster waiting to happen! You can purchase ice-melting rock salt at any home improvement store for around $15 a bag. Pet-friendly options are also available for about $20 a bag. Tip: If you have a long walkway, you can make your salt supply last longer by mixing it at a 1-1 ratio with playground sand.
  3. For shoveling snow. Invest in a good quality snow shovel before the first snow so you can be prepared for heavy snowfall. Good quality means no plastic! Metal shovels with wood or metal handles work better, are far less likely to break and only cost around $20 at most home improvement stores. Note: If your area sees heavy snow, it might be worth getting a snow blower. These typically cost around $500, but they can save you from suffering through hours of shoveling duty.
  4. For your car. Fill up your windshield wiper fluid and purchase a heavy-duty ice scraper so you’re prepared for even the worst driving conditions. Tip: Buy a bag of kitty litter for the trunk if your car has rear-wheel drive. The added weight will help your car perform better in snowy conditions and it can help you get unstuck from snow banks!



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I genuinely care about my clients. (In fact, they’re often surprised by how much so!) But this is a major step in anyone’s life and I want it to be the best experience possible.

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