Flowers to Plant in Your Colorado Garden for Season Long Bloom

Flowers to Plant in Your Colorado Garden for Season Long Bloom

  • Megan Douglas
  • 05/29/19

Now That We’re Past Memorial Day It’s Probably Safe to Plant Our Gardens…right?

Were you waiting until the end of our (hopefully) last snowstorm to get your gardens ready for the summer? If you don’t know where to start, here is a list of flowers that will keep your garden looking fresh all season long. 


1) Basket of Gold

2) Front Range Pensteman

3) Dwarf Day Lily


1) Dwarf Cranesbill

2) Husker Red Penstemen

3) Blue Flax


1) Tri-color Butterfly Bush

2) Osteopermums

3) Red Knockout Rose


1) Sunset Hyssop

2) Hummingbird Trumpet

3) Mexican Sage


1) Chocolate Flower

2) Joe Pye Weed

3) Purple Dome Aster

Go to 5280 to see the full post, including a list of fool-proof plants anyone can take care of. 



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