Below are the headlines from three separate news releases issued over a one month period:
11/3/2014 – Millions of Potential New Households Waiting Out the Recovery
11/11/2014 – Experts: First-Time Homebuyers’ Weak Finances Holding Back Housing Market
And then, the contrarian view:
12/2/2014 – In 2015, Millennials Will Be Biggest Home Buying Group
It sure seems that the group that released the first two stories emphatically disagrees with the organization that published the last news release. Amazingly, the same entity published all three reports. What? It seems the company (a well-respected provider of housing information) reported that those forming new households are not looking to buy a home. They actually surveyed over one hundred housing experts who agreed. But 30 days later, they reported that millennials (most new households) will be the biggest group of home buyers this year. All in one month!! All the headlines could actually be true. However, a consumer reading them might be misled. This is evidence of how difficult it is to actually understand the intricacies of today’s housing market. Even the experts can seem confused.
Bottom Line
If you are thinking of either buying or selling a home, it is best to engage a local real estate professional to help you successfully navigate the ins-and-outs of today’s real estate transaction. In a rapidly changing real estate market like Denver it’s smart to reach out to your trusted real estate advisor. I am always here to help guide you through the process!