Is Cwch the New Hygge?

Is Cwch the New Hygge?

  • Megan Douglas
  • 01/10/19

You thought ‘hygge’ was hard to pronounce? Good luck with this one.

The Danish lifestyle craze of hygge took the world by storm in 2016. And in the years since? Well, it feels like every cold, dark country (see: Sweden with lagom, Scotland with còsagach) is trying to rebrand their crappy weather as a lifestyle trend.

Cwch, as described by PureWow, basically is hygge, but more specifically for your home.

A cwtch (pronunciation: kutch) is in essence a small and cozy space meant for cuddling up in. (The Welsh root of the word is ‘cubbyhole’.) Think: A den corner turned cushy-cozy reading nook; a canopy bed piled in exorbitant amounts of pillows). Applied in the broader sense, it’s really just the art of crafting intimacy-invoking, snuggle-ready spaces in your home—which ties into cwtch’s equally adorable double meaning: it can also refer to a giant hug. Dawww. 

Hugs? Cuddles? Can’t really go wrong there.

Check out PureWow for more info, and be sure to visit our pinterest board for some cozy cwtch ideas.



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I genuinely care about my clients. (In fact, they’re often surprised by how much so!) But this is a major step in anyone’s life and I want it to be the best experience possible.

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